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GEG 485/585 Interactive and Web-based Mapping


The focus of this course has evolved into learning how to use ESRI's ArcGIS Online to create web maps and web mapping applications. To understand the foundation of web based mapping you will be introduced to the basics of html, css, and javascript.

To make a map in arcGIS online you have to

  1. Obtain the data
    • Using data available within the ESRI ArcGIS Online platform
    • Using open source data and REST services
    • Using data created in ArcGIS Desktop or Pro
  2. Create a map(s)
    • choose a base map
    • add feature layers
    • symbolize the feature layers
    • configure the pop-ups
    • etc...
  3. Create a web app

GEG485/585 Spring 2020

Wende Mix

Welcome to the new web page for this class. I will be adding examples of the material covered during the Spring 2020 semester as time goes by.....

Links to some other GIS materials

Spatial Processing: Inside the Black Box